Category Archives: Lifestyle

Rediscover the Fun and Flow Again PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT THERAPY is a cutting edge therapeutic modality that helps athletes and creatives who are experiencing a performance slump or block.…

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Psychotherapy, or talk-therapy, is what most people imagine when hearing the term therapy. Built upon trust and compassion, the relationship between therapist and client encourages the expression of…

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There is More Wisdom in Your Body Than the Deepest Philosophy EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), is a highly affective therapeutic modality for unblocking stuck memories…

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Where You Look Affects How You Feel Brainspotting is a brain-based therapeutic approach to healing. Attuning to both the therapeutic relationship and the brain-body response of the client…

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Psychedelic Medicines Can Open the Door to Healing. It’s Up to You to Walk Through It. What is Psychedelic Integration Therapy? After a psychedelic journey, it can be…

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